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VC Funds


Lunar Ventures is a European deep-tech, (pre-)seed-stage venture fund located in Berlin, Germany. The very basic idea of the fund was to support the kind of ventures, that struggle to explain the tech stack & vision to “ordinary” VCs.

Lunar Ventures

2150 is a venture capital fund committed to providing support to technology innovators who have a vision for shaping the design, construction, and power systems of cities. The fund’s objective is to cultivate “Gigacorns” – companies that have the potential to significantly reduce the carbon emissions of cities, while positively impacting the lives of billions of people.

DAM-Magic Fund

The Magic Fund is an early-stage venture capital fund, built on the premise that founders possess a superior understanding of the needs and wants of fellow founders. Boasting a distinguished track record with their inaugural fund, the team has developed a streamlined and efficient investment process, resulting in over 200 investments in the past three years. The fund also offers geographical and industry-specific expertise through its network of experienced founders.

Magic Fund 2

Manhattan Venture Partners is a leading venture capital organization with a refined focus on the secondary market for the world’s best technology companies and has performed transaction with over 10 bil. USD of volume.

MVP All-Star

Atlantic Labs is a pan-European Pre-Seed Venture Capital fund, headquartered in Berlin, backing mission-driven founders, committed to making an impact by disrupting established industries.

Alantic Labs

Microtraction is an early-stage venture capital firm providing seed funding and mentorship to startups on the African continent, that may not have access to traditional forms of venture capital. Microtraction is dedicated to fostering innovation and growth in Africa's startup ecosystem.
